Monday, May 25, 2009

Wilroy has stabilized some what over the weekend. His swelling and blood clots have improved a little. He is still in the hospital waiting for Dr Mattern to return from vacation to decide on a new plan of attack. Dr Gillespie (Radiation Dr) decision to wait on radiation hasn't changed. So, we are in a holding pattern for now.
Wilroy really enjoyed seeing family and friends this weekend. Joan and Merle (his sisters), Chris and Bill (his sons) and their wives Robin and Betty Lou came to visit. His long time friend from childhood, John Gatewood "The old gray headed man that comes with Wanda" as Cyndie always called him and his riding buddy Bill Edmundson came as well. It was nice to see everyone and have them all come and visit. Let's hope all the catching up and fun times continue to give him new energy for the weeks ahead. Thanks again for all your cards, comments and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sandy,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and the other Conehead.


